Sports activities

Here, sports follow the seasons, and there is something for everyone!

In fall, it goes without saying that we prefer outdoor activities such as soccer, beach volleyball, football, flag football, track and field, ultimate frisbee...

Then, in November and in spring, students enjoy our gym facilities where they can practise basketball, volleyball, kin-ball, CrossFit, floor hockey, soccer and badminton... They can also take advantage of open swim sessions at the CEGEP (a neighbouring educational institution).

During the winter season, we organize a range of outdoor activities. Then, in May, we embrace the pace of track and field, a truly unique educational project in Quebec. At our school, track and field involves all our staff and students.

Here, sports enthusiasts will love our programs!

Site web du Collège de Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière French Immersion School